The Asian Institute for Bioethics and Health Law (AIBHL) is an academic institute, which formed as a result of strategic and reasonable policy-making in Korea, that studies the emerging issues in bioethics and health law. Since 1980s, the academic experts at Yonsei University have recognized the need for understanding health policy based on ethical and legal contexts. In result, they have been conducted interdisciplinary academic research throughout the fields of bioethics, health law, and public health, continuously opening up in-depth discussion for the development of health policy that challenges bioethical issues in Korea.
In 1998, Yonsei University started to offer a systematic education by establishing the Department of Public Health Law and Ethics in the Graduate School of Public Health and the Department of Medical Law and Ethics in College of Medicine. Furthermore, an interdisciplinary program was established in 1999, Medical Law and Ethics in the Graduate School, and has been offering students various expertise and experiences throughout health law, philosophy in terms of bioethics, and public health. The AIBHL believes it has two important responsibilities to promote the fields of bioethics and health law. First, it aims to build a research network that connects academic researchers, experts and the public for policy making that takes into account important issues of bioethics and health law. Moreover, it aims to contribute to building a better and safe society that promotes people’s health, and as well as contributing to better health for all at an international level.